Honestly, I don't want to leave high school, yet I know there's nothing I can do to stop growing old. I guess you can say I'm connected to my youth, like my concentration.
I haven't updated my blog in a while, so time to catch up on my concentrations.
So with this concentraion, I wanted to portray the attachment to the past. In the photo there is a man holding an old photograph. (The picture's of my mom when she was my age at Princeton. I thought that was super awesome.) :)

The next concentration was centered around the idea of greed.
The next concentration I'm not very happy with. At all. But it's done, so it's whatever. I was attempting to show the connection to dream, literally and figuratively. Blah.
The next one was a connection to promises.
Connection to love.
And connection to gambling. I'm really proud of this photo. :)
So. This is my concentraion. Overall, I feel I progress and learned a lot more then I ever expected to. I hope to keep writing in this blog, since I feel my journey as a artist will never be over, and I would like to keep track of my improvement. I'm really upset that AP Studio is over. It was a wonderful class that I will never forget. I made new friends, strengthed old connections, and learned so much more about the world through a lens and a paintbrush. I just would like to thank everyone in my class and my wonderful teacher Mrs. Holliday for giving me this amazing experience. I love you all. :)