My first concentration was my look on humans and their connection with faith. I feel this attempt was decent but I still feel it could be a lot better. With my second concentation I attempted to show human's obbession with the media and television. When I tried to photograph these, the pictures ended up horriable, so to avoid a F I tried to paint my vision in a very short amount of time. I'm still not happy with this. So I will be attempting to re-do these in the future if time ever becomes avaiable to me. I will defintity try to research even more with the type of connection and also the framing I could do to make the meaning stronger.
The idea that I am trying to say in my concentration is that we as humans are connected to so many different things and they end up controling us even though we like to think of ourselfs as independent. I've been asking and watching different people to see what different things people may be attached to, and I do have various ideas set up. I feel my ideas are thought provoking, but I need to attempt harder to make them thoughtful.